The Real Estate Lady
All about Real Estate, Townsend, MA and Me…
July 7th, 2011

Greenville, NH hosts an annual parade every July 4th at midnight.  The festivities begin with music, food vendors, games, float contest and a fireworks display at the local school grounds most of the July 3rd evening.  When the fireworks are over the crowd, armed with pots and pans, hits the streets where fire trucks and ambulances from several surrounding towns line up.  The parade starts with the American flag followed by folks with pots and pans, the parade floats, Hot Rods & Antique cars and finally the fire apparatus with all their blinding, blinking lights and deafening sirens and horns.

It’s probably the most unusual spectacle that I’ve witnessed here in the North East. Townsend, MA Fire Department, being only 15 minutes away, usually participates and I’ve had the pleasure of riding with them and viewing from a different angle.